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Employment exchanges and career centers

Background of this initiative is that 58% of India’s youth suffer some degree of skill deficit, 40% of India’s labour force is working poor,  Unemployment rates may be 26% if recalculated to include working poor, Unemployment is highest among graduates. Wherein priorities of the employment exchanges of State Government are Improve Matching  Connecting, labour supply and demand (employment), Reduce Mismatch,  Repairing labour supply for demand (skills) , Improve Pipeline  Preparing labour supply for demand (education). In this context TeamLease has been providing bunch of services under one umbrella which are as follows :

  1. Assess the job seekers on their current competencies and identify the skill gap.
  2. Counseling.
  3. Provide best in class Training
  4. Placements
  5. Demand Generation
  6. Backend Support

 TeamLease intends to bring along in this partnership, our expertise in the areas of Assessments [Entry and Exit assessments], Placements, and Training [Content, Technology] People and Processes and work in making these centers a success in all respects.